Articles related to society, relationships, people and such.

Corona face print masks as the new trend

The novel Coronavirus or Covid-19 does not look like it’s going to fade from societies anytime soon. As a result, people have begun to adopt mask-wearing as a new normal and have even accepted it as a new fashion trend.When…


Viral food trends seen during lockdown

The novel Coronavirus has caused people to be forced to stay at home for weeks, months even. As a result, people have become avid cooks, whipping up all sorts of recipes. Some of these recipes or food hacks have even…

Read more about the article The Impact of Coronavirus on Global Climate
An empty road is seen during a nationwide curfew in response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on March 22, 2020 in Mumbai, India. (Photo by Himanshu Bhatt/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

The Impact of Coronavirus on Global Climate

When whole countries go on a lockdown, factories are closed and foreign air traffic grinds to a halt, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is expected to result in a dramatic decrease in global carbon emissions, as has occurred in China already.…

Read more about the article Home decorating trends during lockdown 2020
Gorgeous home garden

Home decorating trends during lockdown 2020

With the coronavirus seeming to not end anytime soon, it can become a bit mundane having to stay home and see the same color palettes, same decorations, and some repetitive structures every day. The last quarter of 2019 saw an…

Read more about the article How social media is influencing our food choices
Sharing food pictures

How social media is influencing our food choices

According to a recent report released in the journal “Appetite”, you are more likely to follow the eating patterns you post on social media more often.When Facebook friends of study participants shared more about fast food, participants were more likely…


Lifestyle trends in 2020

When we move through a new year and a new decade, the rate of acceptance of innovation and technology keep growing as per the changing perceptions and expectations of customers. Although lifestyle trends have concentrated on visual subjects such as…



What's your take on "motherhood"? Sleepless nights… The morning sickness…mood swings... a massive gain on the weight-o-meter... Labor pains... a haemo-phobic husband in the delivery room... perhaps, screams of "push, push..." Events depicted on popular soaps, sitcoms and movies that…