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Lifestyle trends in 2020

When we move through a new year and a new decade, the rate of acceptance of innovation and technology keep growing as per the changing perceptions and expectations of customers. Although lifestyle trends have concentrated on visual subjects such as fashion, beauty, and decoration in previous years, this year it includes topics like parenting, sustainability, and self-improvement, reflecting the rejection of materialism by millennials.

Here are 5 patterns in lifestyle where consumer tastes have clearly altered and evolved:

1. Family and home productivity

Proliferation of productivity devices has been shown to help navigate the lives of customers at work. But then what about their homes? The number of moms in the workforce is growing, and both parents are working in 63 percent of two-parent households with children. When these cultural changes intensify, parents need new technological tools and services, particularly women, to help manage their lives at home when smoothly as they manage projects at work.

2. Next-generation meat for meat-eaters

Conscious consumption is growing these days. Modern meat-lovers want alternatives in terms of types of meat, for true satisfaction. Besides the plant-based choices, we’re seeing a new wave of chicken and mammal-oriented lab-cultivated meats, Wild Type and Shiok Meats, focusing on seafood. Such companies are using cellular technology to build alternatives to current animal protein that is the same in cellular composition to meat but is developed in a laboratory and not in the animals.

3. Personalized healthcare

With the introduction of emerging technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Telehealth, and Robotics, healthcare is evolving as we know it. This trend examines the role of emerging technology using customer data, and AI will play in reshaping the health care system. Digital health innovations are highly in demand. Many consumers claim that using specific health tech/features enables them to better control their own well-being.

4. Changes in higher education and employment

Many of the most popular conventional jobs are shifting or going down, driven largely by technology and AI improvements. Traditional higher education is also far too expensive for many. It makes room for multiple modes of education, from coding boot camps to career retraining, to bite-size learning and innovative payment models, such as the recent developments around Income Share Agreements and, we would imagine, several other revolutionary ideas that we have not yet thought of.

5. Peak wellness

It seems as if our entire culture has given massive importance to self-improvement. Basically, this latest lifestyle trend will let us know how vomiting after a workout isn’t a positive indication that you’ve worked on yourself, but it will warn you how your body is being damaged and actually punish you.

Society has put a lot of pressure on many of us to undergo self improvement. According to peak wellness, vomiting after a workout isn’t a good thing because it tells that we should not be crossing the already attained maximum level of fitness as per body style. Once we realize this, motivational talks from ‘life coaches’ and fanatics are likely to seem irrelevant. 


We expect to see many thought-provoking, innovative ideas this year, since the economy is driven by consumer desires. There is no lack of creativity coming in 2020 and the decade ahead, which makes for interesting ways of occupying oneself and increasing life longevity.

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