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What’s your take on “motherhood”?

Sleepless nights… The morning sickness…mood swings… a massive gain on the weight-o-meter… Labor pains… a haemo-phobic husband in the delivery room… perhaps, screams of “push, push…”

Events depicted on popular soaps, sitcoms and movies that seem to border on “progressive”…

In the pro-feminist world we live in, women have finally transitioned from the proverbial “nurturing” role to usurping the role of the hunter-gatherer.

Yes, women have arrived on the professional map and with the Amazon woman like fervor too.

So have women really changed from the times we have lived in caves… Has the concept of depending on a man to fulfill your needs turned obsolete?

Has inter-dependence and partnership has given way to self-sufficiency and independence?

Women at the forefront, being second to none and ushering in the era of the alpha-female…

With Hillary Clinton running for the 2008 presidency, it certainly seems so…

Our perceptions, opinions and habits change rapidly as we have crossed the threshold of the new millennium and charge at break-neck speed to our destiny breaking the boundaries of the theory of relativity.

What was taboo, twenty years ago, is practiced with such nonchalance today which goes to show that women have indeed moved up to the next level…

What we see today, are women who are driven to make changes in society by word and deed…

Women who are ready to take that change and spread it with a zeal that would make the missionaries of the past blush with pride.

Though our world experiences a radical change with every passing nanosecond, I believe that there are moments when time seems to stand still…

Because there are some things, however inconspicuous, that is here to stay; call it genetic coding, instinct or just traits designed by a “higher power”…

Most of you know that a baby is born every thirty seconds… bringing about subtle change to a nation’s demographic… but this isn’t about a statistic…

Think about it: the proud father… the doting mother… the hapless child lying in a pool of drool… and that “It’s a boy, it’s a boy” moment among kith and kin, the moment when a doctor “separates” a mother from her offspring when the mother goes from “Ow! Ow!” to “Wow!”…and the father who seems to be in a trance of inexplicable joy…

Motherhood… that’s your gift; women… that prestigious purpose that brings completion to Mother Nature’s cycles of procreation… an integral part in the cycle of life and death… the frontrunners of evolution… and the key to our future.

And all the frustration, pain and trauma as most mothers will say, was worth it…

Cause there is more than meets the eye… and the hand that rocks the cradle does truly rule the world…

For starters, ask your mother… but that’s your call…

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