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Movies To Watch If You Love Musicals

Musical as a genre is not for everyone as some people think these movies are over the top and lack substance but it is hard to deny that they do provide some great entertainment. So, If you are a lover of musicals and wish there were moments to burst into song and dance in your own life, then this is the list for you. These are some of our movie recommendations for musical films that we love and you should watch in your spare time.

La La Land

One of the most loved musical films of recent times has been La La Land starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. This movie broke many records and exceeded expectations in every way. The amazing chemistry between the lead pair will keep you hooked as well as the enchanting music of the film. You will be humming ‘city of stars’ for a long time after watching this film and the story will stay with you too.

Mamma Mia

One of the most fun musical films of recent times is Mamma Mia starring the ever so talented Meryl Streep. This film has the most catchy songs and some great comedy as a daughter tries to find out the identity of her father as her mother has always hidden that secret from her. Thus begins the madness that leads to a lot of laughs and some really good musical numbers. Meryl Streep is enthralling as usual so it’s a must watch and will make a great movie for movie night with friends.

The Greatest Showman

Hugh Jackman is always a treat to watch but when he came on screen singing and dancing, he became even more desirable and we couldn’t keep our eyes off him. The Greatest Showman is the story of PT Barnum and how he created his famous circus. For the people who love musicals, this movie will be a treat to watch as the songs are very good and the story is full of heart and soul.

Les Miserables

This is a French musical set in the 19th century based on the book by Victor Hugo. The story revolves around an ex-convict named Jean Valjean who takes in an orphan child Cosette after her mother dies. There is a lot of drama and even romance in this story set with the backdrop of French revolution and Anne Hathaway’s performance is worth watching. There are many other stars such as Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe, Helena Bonham Carter and Eddie Redmayne in the film.

A Star is Born

It can be argued whether this film fits the exact definition of a musical or not but we are putting it in for the love of this movie and it’s iconic music. Lady Gaga has given a stellar performance and Bradley Cooper is simply effortless and charming as usual. The pair had amazing chemistry on screen and we still can’t get ‘Shallow’ out of our minds. It is hard to decide whether the album is better or the film itself. Bradley Cooper did a spectacular job as a director on this one and this is undoubtedly the best remake of the classic story.

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